Be the Change, Make an Impact

Be Kind (click here to view this video again):  This video was shared during our virtual 2020 Retreat of Awakening, reminding us "To Be Kind and Always Build Others Up".

Giving back to our community is an important pillar at the Retreat of Awakening.  During our past 5 summer retreats, our campers have engaged in projects to help give back to the local community. In keeping with this meaningful tradition, we continued to give back to our community in 2020, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic when connections, compassion, and kindess are most needed.

Thank you to everyone who joined us in our 2020 Operation Kindness -- we were able to raise $2600 to assist these 3 non-profit organizations:

Once again, thank you to our generous donors in joining us in the 2020 Operation Kindness & making an impact in our community:

HOUSTON FOOD BANK and SAN ANTONIO FOOD BANKCOVID-19 has significantly increased the food insecurity around the country. Texas is one of the many states that has been hit hard by COVID-19.  The COVID-19 pandemic has led to what expert calls a "perfect storm":  more hungry people, fewer volunteers, and declining donations.  Currently, the food banks are feeding nearly 60% more people than they did last year. Right now, monetary donation is the most effective way to support the food banks. Every $1 provides 7 meals for the San Antonio Food Bank; every $1 provides 3 meals for the Houston Food Bank.

THE FARMLINK PROJECT:  COVID-19 has closed restaurants and disrupted the farms and farmers that serve them. The food normally destined for restaurants is heading to the landfill. At the same time, lines at food banks are longer than ever.  The Farmlink Project is a not-for-profit grassroots movement that connects farms with food banks to feed thousands in need while supporting essential jobs. Farmlink Projects acquires surplus produce from farms and suppliers and pay transportation costs in order to deliver fresh food to food banks in need.  https://thefarmlinkproject.org